Moving and living abroad can be the adventure of a lifetime. Most of the people you’ve probably grown up with might not even have a passport. So you’re probably asking yourself, will moving abroad be worth it? Am I sacrificing my future for this itch I need to scratch?
Expat Life & Travel
Living Abroad In Winter. Escape The Cold Or Embrace It?
Winter, you either love it or hate it. If you’re home, you simply tolerate it. But what can you do if you find yourself living or want to work abroad in winter?
Where Can I Live On $600 A Month Without Being A “Begpacker”?
noun [uncountable]
-a western tourist who tries to fund their continuing travel plans by begging for money on the streets of countries that are much poorer than the country they come from.
Source: Macmillan Dictionary.
Moving Abroad And Leaving Your Parents Behind. How To Cope.
If you haven’t dreamt of seeing the world and going abroad, then you should go for it.
Unfortunately, you will have to leave a few things back at home in order to pursue your dreams of going abroad. One of those is leaving your parents behind.
The Pros And Cons Of Being An ESL Teacher, By A 20 Year VET.
TEFL jobs are best to use as an opportunity to see some parts of the world that give you an opportunity to live and work in a country that you would never have thought about seeing.
The Best Languages To Learn For The Future As An Expat. From An Expat.
Now I must admit, I am a bit biased in my list of the best languages to learn for the future simply because these are the four languages that I speak in very degrees of fluency.
So I’m going to tell you why I think each of these languages are the best languages to learn for the future, especially as an expat.
18 Difficulties Of Living In A Foreign Country An Expat Faces.
Living in a foreign country will literally change your life forever, whether you are only going to be abroad for a few months or a few years. However, your transition will go much smoother if you consider the difficulties of living in a foreign country first.
By considering the difficulties of living in a foreign countries before your move you can anticipate the potential pitfalls and avoid them where possible. You can’t avoid every potential misstep, but who can in life.
Moving To Another Country Alone. Is It Worth It?
If you’re thinking about moving to another country alone, you’re going to want to read this. There are things about moving and living abroad alone that you may not have considered before taking that plunge.
Imagine what it would be like to move to another part of your country alone.
Working Remotely On A Tourist Visa, is It Possible?
There are situations where you can work remotely abroad on a simple tourist visa and situations where you can’t. Before you decide which is the best path for you in your unique situation, the best place to start would be to check out the embassy of the country you are going to.
They usually have a website in your home country, written in your own language as well as the official language(s) of that country.
How Can I Move Abroad? Moving Abroad, Steps You Need To Take First!
How can I move abroad?
People want to move abroad for many reasons. There are many different articles on why you should move abroad, but not many on how you can move abroad, until now.