Living Abroad In Winter. Escape The Cold Or Embrace It?

Winter, you either love it or hate it. If you’re home, you simply tolerate it. But what can you do if you find yourself living or want to work abroad in winter?


What can Expats living abroad do in winter?

You can also migrate to another country for the winter and either enjoy the lack of tourists. Hit the ski slopes or head south of the equator and enjoy the summer and sunshine of southern hemisphere climates. 

Expats have a variety of choices and options for living abroad in winter. You can either stay in your current country and enjoy the winter perks. 

There are benefits to both actually. If you choose to migrate to the southern hemisphere and enjoy the summer sun, sand and surf, you will find that most southern hemisphere countries are actually quite cheap and affordable for a longer period of time. 

Of course the exceptions to this would be Australia, New Zealand and Singapore. There may be a few other more expensive countries peppered in, but those are the three main ones that I can think of where most expats can’t take advantage of cheaper prices due to a country’s current economic state. 

However, if you choose to spend your winter living abroad in the colder climates of the northern hemisphere, you can enjoy the ski slopes of Canada or the Swiss Alps etc. 

Although you should also note that some locations in the northern hemisphere, i.e. the mountains and ski resorts in winter time are considered peak season and these will be their most expensive periods of the year. 

Though, all is not lost. In general, this winter living abroad can have all kinds of hidden places, spared from the onslaught of peak season tourists, since the northern hemispheres with the exceptions of ski resorts, are considered off-season.

Let’s not forget the holiday season with all those Christmas Market dotted throughout the cities, towns and villages of Europe.

You can roam the streets of Prague or Barcelona, visit Montreal, Quebec or other northern hemisphere capitals, staying in great hotels, dining at fine restaurants without all the crowds and higher prices that summer season holds. 

Let’s explore this topic a little further, addressing some additional questions below.

Where should Expats living abroad go in winter?

In my opinion if you are an expat and you’re living abroad in a colder climate, you may want to just take advantage of the winter and check out your local ski resorts. 

You’d be surprised by some of the hidden gems and ski resorts that may surround you that are off the beaten path for your normal tourist from abroad, but still have plenty of fresh powder to go down. 

However, if you are tired of northern climate winters and want to enjoy a summer holiday in the middle of a depressing gray and short day winter, then go south and follow the summer of the southern hemisphere and enjoy hot sunny days lying at the beach, recharging yourself in the summer sun of the southern hemisphere.

What kind of winter abroad jobs can you get?

The types of winter jobs are broad that you can get very. For example, since winter is peak season in most mountain resorts because of skiing, then you can get a variety of jobs, not only at ski resorts, but at the local restaurants and bars, waiting tables and bartending, etc.

There are all kinds of jobs in the hospitality industry that cater to ski enthusiasts. 

Many of these jobs do include accommodation by the way. However, if you are set on spending the winter abroad in a more sunny, summer type of climate, then I would check out the more expensive summer holiday destinations in the Caribbean. 

For example, Florida in the United States or Australia and New Zealand if you can get a work permit, would be great places to spend the winter while earning some peak season cash. 

Those places also have their seasons where you can get jobs at resorts and restaurants bartending, waiting tables. 

Of course many of these not only provide accommodations for their seasonal staff, but discounts on restaurant meals, free or discounted lift tickets and other activities.

What kind of winter jobs abroad are there for couples?

Couples can enjoy some very interesting work arrangements for winter jobs abroad. For example, there are plenty of caretaker type arrangements where you can enjoy free accommodation and possibly a stipend for just living and maintaining a home. 

There are also jobs at smaller resorts or boutique hotels, that would love to have a reliable couple to manage the affairs of the accommodation, caretaking etc..

Which winter jobs abroad are there with accommodation?

The winter jobs abroad which supply most of the accommodations are usually at resorts. Ski resorts in the northern hemisphere or in the southern hemisphere, holiday resorts. 

These resorts will normally provide their seasonal staff with some form of accommodation either at the resort itself in a special area off the resort. Accommodations could be included along with your salary, or separate. 

However, if you plan on working in the hospitality industry outside of a resort, for example at bars and restaurants, you may have to arrange your own accommodations. 

There are various hostels you might want to try and stay at for a few days while you get situated, then look for more long term accommodations from there.

Also you should check out WWOOF for “Woofing”. These are various home stays usually on farms, vineyards or even B&Bs. Many times people are renovating an old farmhouse or provide agro tourism experiences and provide accommodations for staff. 

Many of these places need year round help not just in winter. They usually provide not only accommodations, but meals as well. 

However, for this, you will be responsible to work so many hours per week, etc. But they can make for some lifelong memories, if you stay at the right place. 

Here are some websites to check out to get you started: 

Some of these may require a small fee to join in order to have access to job lists. 

Always proceed with caution, but it might be worth paying $30 or $50 to find out about the different opportunities, locations, etc.

Where can I find winter jobs abroad in the sun?

The best place to find winter jobs that are “in the sun” would be of course, the Caribbean. 

Additionally, Florida in the southern United States, are two key areas that provide winter jobs abroad in the sun or at least in the near abroad. 

Let’s not forget cruise ships, international resort chains like Club Med or International Hotel Chains like Marriott, Hilton and Hyatt. These sometimes have seasonal openings which can include accommodation as well. 

Always check their websites and of course the online job forms for these types of opportunities.

Living abroad in winter, hibernate or party it up? Conclusions.

So there are just some of your choices for not only living abroad, but working abroad in winter. 

You can either hibernate or party it up. You can hit the ski slopes or hang out in the summer sun of the southern hemisphere and skip the harsh winter all together. 

In fact, you may find that living abroad in winter can turn into an endless summer, if you want it.