Moving To Another Country Alone. Is It Worth It?

If you’re thinking about moving to another country alone, you’re going to want to read this. There are things about moving and living abroad alone that you may not have considered before taking that plunge.

Imagine what it would be like to move to another part of your country alone.

Moving to another country alone. The challenges ahead.

All the challenges that come along with it like finding a place to live, getting a job, getting acquainted with your new town or city, making new friends, finding new activities and places to go etc. 

Now imagine moving to another country alone and not only facing those challenges, but also having to deal with them in a foreign language. 

In addition, every country has their own laws, rules and regulations that you’re going to have to become familiar with. 

For example, did you know it was illegal to chew gum in Singapore? 

Well, every country has their own quirks and customs and you’re going to have to learn about them real quick.

Why do people move to another country alone?

People move to another country alone for a variety of reasons.

  • Education purposes perhaps they’re studying at a university for a year or so.
  • To learn a new language.
  • Perhaps they’ve fallen in love and want to be close to the object of that love.
  • A new job and/or a promotion.
  • Maybe they just want to escape their own country, start fresh and create an almost new identity for themselves. 
  • Perhaps it’s a combination of all the above.

Should I move abroad alone? You need to find your “why?

Moving alone to a new country can be the adventure of a lifetime. However, in order to make the most of that move abroad alone you need to discover your “why?”.

You’re “why?” could be one of the above reasons. 

Perhaps you are moving to a new country alone in the hopes of creating a new identity for yourself. Maybe you want to start fresh or are just tired of the society in your home country wanting to go to a place where people think and do things differently. 

These are all valid reasons for a move, but you need to realize that no matter where you go in this world, you can never escape yourself.

Living alone in a foreign country. Find your bearings.

The more preparation you can do before you leave your own country, the better you will adjust to living alone in a foreign country. 

Once you arrive of course, it’s always best to sort out your living situation and accommodation. Then the first thing you should do is take a walk around your new neighborhood to get to know the different shops, places to buy groceries etc. get your bearings. 

In today’s modern world, having a cell phone makes things a whole lot easier. Get a local cell phone number, even if you are going to use your home phone in your new country. 

A local number works so much better with Taxi apps, local contacts, even dating apps. So it’s always best nonetheless, to have a local phone number.

Besides, roaming charges can be extremely expensive abroad, so the sooner you can adjust to a new cell phone number in your new country the better. 

Get to know some of the local cafes, maybe a pub or two, and try to turn your new country into your new home. 

Find out where the local expats hang out. One of the best ways of finding your bearings in a new country, especially if you’re living abroad, is to get to know other expats who are in a similar situation as yourself. 

In fact, when I first came into contact with other expats, it may have made me feel 100% better about living in my new country.

Is moving to another country alone at 18 too young?

Moving to another country alone when you’re 18 might not be too young. It’s not too young for example, if you are going abroad to study. 

Many young people when they finish high school choose to either start college right away and do their first year in a foreign country. 

Also, many young people when they finish high school decide to go abroad alone when they’re 18 and travel the world as a gap year.

However, if you’re moving abroad alone at 18 in the hopes of finding a job or starting a new life, your opportunities may be very limited, unless of course, you’ve picked up some skills while you were in school like programming or other side hustles you could do over the internet. 

But usually at 18 your job skills are quite limited. 

So if that’s the case, I would avoid moving abroad when you’re 18. Especially alone until you’ve built up some practical job skills you can take with you or do over the internet.

Is 30 too old to move abroad alone?

On the other hand, if you’re 30 and you want to move abroad, you’re definitely not too old. 

I remember when I turned 30, it was a big deal. In fact, I think turning 30 was one of the more difficult ages to turn. Simply because you’re not in your twenties anymore and not considered hip and young. 

But moving abroad at 30 is definitely not too old. I know many men who decided to move abroad in their 40s or even their 50s. 

Some men move abroad after they retire and retire abroad after they’ve hit 60. But at 30, you’re still in the prime of your life. 

In addition, the good thing is you’ve probably built up a few extra skills and some practical experience you can take with you abroad, which can make your job prospects much brighter. 

In fact, I would say 30 is the perfect age to move abroad and start fresh.

What is it like living in a new country alone?

Living in a new country alone is what you make of it. If you truly want to isolate yourself, there’s no better way than living in a foreign country alone. 

However, it’s also an opportunity to become more outgoing and extroverted than you’ve ever been. 

I found that living alone in a new country forced me to get out of my comfort zone, go out, meet new people and establish connections. 

So living alone in a new country can be quite thrilling.

Why is moving to another country hard?

Moving to another country is hard because you basically have to start almost from scratch. 

That is unless of course you accept a position with a company and that position is already predefined along with all your logistical needs like housing and transportation etc. are taken care of.

However, if you’re moving to another country alone or move to a new location to hang your hat for a while, then moving to another country can be hard because you also need to find your own accommodations, your own source of income etc.

Unless of course you already have your own business which can be done online. 

You will also have to develop some kind of social life, go out and meet new people.

That’s not always easy for those who are more introverted or used to communicating only online through platforms like Facebook. 

On top of all the above, moving to another country you’ll have to deal with all the immigration paperwork and registrations. 

In many countries immigration regulations change constantly, so you have to also be constantly aware of the most recent changes in immigration status or else you may face some unpleasant surprises in your new country or at the border when you arrive or leave.

I moved to another country and have no friends. What can I do?

If you’ve moved to another country and have no friends, the best thing to do would be to go out and get social. When I mean social, I don’t mean social media either, at least for the most part. 

Meeting people online and connecting through various groups and forums in your new country is all fine for the preliminary first step though. 

However, communicating with people only online can be quite a lonely experience. What’s the point of moving to another country, if you were just going to stay in your apartment all day and communicate online. 

You need to go out and be social. Hit the cafes, bars and pubs. Even if you don’t drink. These are very social places where you can meet new people. 

Also make friends with the local wait staff at your favorite new restaurants and cafes in your neighborhood. Speaking about online groups, there are many times “get togethers” and “meetups”. 

I remember when I first moved to Kyiv, Ukraine, there was this expat group called the “Hash House Harriers”. They seem to be in every country. Check them out. There are also chambers of commerce as well that you can join.

In fact, there is a popular online platform called where you can find local events in your area. 

There are various mixers in groups of all kinds in your new country. Seek those out and meet people in person in the flesh.

Moving to another country alone, is it worth it?

Moving to another country alone is absolutely worth it. Regardless of what experience you have. Whether that’s a positive or negative experience, they will be memorable nonetheless.

In fact, the experiences and knowledge that you gain from moving to another country alone will help you throughout the rest of your life. 

Moving to another country alone is one of the ultimate expressions of independence. You will need to be your own self starter and create opportunities where there aren’t any. 

Moving to another country alone is also good because you don’t have anyone else to hold you back or second guess your decisions. 

Moving to another country alone is like riding a bicycle for the first time without the training wheels. Scary and exhilarating all at the same time. Your move abroad alone to a new country can be summed up best that way.