Note that the information in this article pertains mostly to Americans or citizens of the United States and no other nationality.
Living Abroad In Winter. Escape The Cold Or Embrace It?
Winter, you either love it or hate it. If you’re home, you simply tolerate it. But what can you do if you find yourself living or want to work abroad in winter?
Where Can I Live On $600 A Month Without Being A “Begpacker”?
noun [uncountable]
-a western tourist who tries to fund their continuing travel plans by begging for money on the streets of countries that are much poorer than the country they come from.
Source: Macmillan Dictionary.
Living In Ukraine As A Foreigner, The Experiences Of A 20 Year Expat.
Living in Ukraine as a foreigner, is it for you?
There are many reasons why a foreigner might enjoy living in Ukraine.
How To Settle In Ukraine! Advice From A 20 Year Expat.
How to settle in Ukraine. Will you fit in?
I could only speak for myself, but I think that Ukraine is a good place to live. However, everyone’s experiences are different.
The Best City In Ukraine To Live. The Opinion Of A 20 Year Expat.
Asking someone which is the best city to live anywhere, is like asking someone their favorite food.
We all have our own favorites and what we consider the “best”.
Moving Abroad And Leaving Your Parents Behind. How To Cope.
If you haven’t dreamt of seeing the world and going abroad, then you should go for it.
Unfortunately, you will have to leave a few things back at home in order to pursue your dreams of going abroad. One of those is leaving your parents behind.
The Pros And Cons Of Being An ESL Teacher, By A 20 Year VET.
TEFL jobs are best to use as an opportunity to see some parts of the world that give you an opportunity to live and work in a country that you would never have thought about seeing.
The Best Languages To Learn For The Future As An Expat. From An Expat.
Now I must admit, I am a bit biased in my list of the best languages to learn for the future simply because these are the four languages that I speak in very degrees of fluency.
So I’m going to tell you why I think each of these languages are the best languages to learn for the future, especially as an expat.
Working Remotely For A Foreign Company While Living In The US. Why Not?
Whether you want to work remotely for a US based company or a foreign company, at home while living in the US or abroad, the opportunities are endless since you’ve basically have expanded exponentially.
However, your success or failure will depend on understanding the modern online workplace and the rules of engagement as well as your own objectives.