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Why Do Companies Use Expatriates?
So, you’ve decided to take the plunge and become an expatriate. Congrats! Even though it’s a big decision, it can pay off handsomely, both professionally and personally.
That said, you might be wondering why your company has chosen you to become an Expat. After all, there are plenty of other employees who could have been selected for the role.
Here’s a look at some of the most common reasons companies send employees abroad.
1. To Fill a Skills Gap.
One of the most common reasons companies use expatriates is to fill a skills gap in their international operations.
For example, a company may need someone with experience in a particular industry or market to help them expand into new territory.
Or, they may need someone with language skills or cultural knowledge to help them communicate more effectively with customers and partners in another country.
Whatever the case may be, if your company is looking to fill a specific skills gap, there’s a good chance they’ll turn to an expatriate like you to help them do it.
2. To Save Money.
In some cases, companies may also use expatriates as a way to save money on labor costs. For example, they may send an employee to a country where labor costs are lower to open or run a new facility there.
Or, they may rotate employees through different international assignments to minimize the need for costly relocation packages.
Whatever the case may be, cost savings is often one of the motivations behind sending employees abroad.
3. To Boost Morale.
Another reason companies use expatriates is to boost morale among their workforce. This is particularly true in cases where employees have been working long hours or facing difficult working conditions.
By allowing employees to work abroad, even for just a short period of time, companies can show their appreciation for their hard work and dedication and give them something to look forward to in the future.
The Benefits of Being an Expat.
An expatriate is defined as a person who resides in a country other than their native country. In the business world, an expatriate is typically someone who is sent by their company to work in another country for a period of time.
Companies use expatriates for a variety of reasons, but the most common reason is to expand their business into new markets.
The Pros of Being an Expat.
There are many benefits to being an Expat. First and foremost, it’s a great way to see the world. If you’re lucky enough to be stationed in countries like France or Italy, you’ll get to experience a new culture and way of life.
You’ll also have the opportunity to meet new people and make long-lasting friendships.
In addition to the cultural experiences, being an Expat can also be beneficial for your career. Companies often look favorably on employees who have international experience.
This is because working abroad requires adaptability, flexibility, and the ability to work well with people from different cultures. As such, employers see international experience as a valuable asset.
Pro: You’ll Make More Money.
In most cases, companies are willing to pay more for someone willing to relocate. They view it as a high-risk/high-reward situation.
If it works out, great, if not, they’re only out the cost of your relocation and repatriation (more on that later). So, if you’re looking to make a few extra bucks, taking an Expat position is a great way to do it.
Pro: You’ll Get Outside Your Comfort Zone.
One of the best things about being an Expat is that it forces you to get outside your comfort zone.
You’ll be forced to try new things, meet new people, and learn how to navigate a new culture. And while it can be daunting at first, it’s also incredibly rewarding.
You might even surprise yourself with how well you adapt.
The Cons of Being an Expat.
There are a few cons you should take into consideration before deciding to become an Expat abroad as well.
Con: It’s Harder Than You Think.
Sure, living in a foreign country sounds glamorous. And it can be…for the first few months. But eventually, the newness will wear off and you’ll be left feeling homesick and alone.
That’s why it’s so important to make sure you have a good support system in place before you leave. Whether that means staying in touch with family and friends back home or making connections with other Expats in your new city.
Con: Being Away From Friends And Family.
Of course, there are also some downsides to being an Expat. One of the biggest challenges is being away from your family and friends.
This can be especially difficult if you’re stationed in a country where you don’t speak the language.
Con: Not Being Able To Stay In Your Host Country Long Enough To Establish Roots.
Depending on your company’s policies, you may not be able to stay in your host country permanently, which means you’ll have to readjust to life back home after your assignment ends.
Con: Job Security.
Another potential downside is that you may not have the same job security as you would at home. In some cases, companies will hire local employees instead of Expats because they’re cheaper and easier to replace.
This means that if your company decides to downsize or pull out of the market completely, you could find yourself unemployed.
Con: There’s No Place Like Home (Literally).
No matter how great your new city is, there’s nothing quite like home.
In addition to missing your family and friends, favorite restaurants, and all the little things that make where you grew up special.
That sense of homesickness can be tough to shake, so again, it’s important to have a good support system in place.
Overall, there are both pros and cons to being an Expat. It’s important to weigh all of the factors before deciding whether or not working abroad is right for you.
If you do decide to take the plunge, remember to keep an open mind and enjoy all that your new home has to offer!
Of course, only you can decide whether or not the risks are worth the reward. But if you do decide to take the plunge, we hope this list has helped prepare you for what’s ahead!
All in all, the above are just a few of the most common reasons why companies use expatriates like you in their international operations.
So, if you’ve been wondering why your company has chosen you for an upcoming assignment abroad, now you know. Just make sure you weigh out the pros and cons before packing your bags!
David Peluchette is a Premium Ghostwriter/Travel and Tech Enthusiast. When David isn’t writing he enjoys traveling, learning new languages, fitness, hiking and going on long walks (did the 550 mile Camino de Santiago, not once but twice!), cooking, eating, reading and building niche websites with WordPress.